She is strength and light and beauty and intelligence. She first appears in book two, and we learn her real name in the third book. We will soon learn how she died, and why she rebelled against her father, and more about her role and growing relationship with the errand boy.
The Ghost Girl
Another evil, deceitful character. He loves to make people do his bidding. He loves control. He is at war with the Fairies of the Eastern Forest, and their Queen. This is a character sketch I originally drew of The Warlock; a lonely, desperate character:
Have you ever seen rain fall on the carpet from an open window? It pools and splashes in old homes with warped floors. He was inclined to leave the window open when it rained to watch this unnatural happening unfold before him. It felt as he did: cold, wet, and taking up space in an environment unsuited for it. But unlike the rain, he could imagine no home to lay his cold, damp head. The rain found natural contours to build palaces that all men, even the hardest of sorts, bowed to from time to time: the gushing silver beauty of a river, or the stillness of a formed and motionless lake; the shrunken ocean in a small pool of water at your feet, or the Ocean Herself devouring the furthest of horizons. He could find no such palace to feel the warmth of humanity reverential for his gushing beauty. He believed he had no such beauty to adorn the hearts of men with. He pooled unnaturally on the carpet, and made his way wet and damp through the crisp, warm, natural light of life.
The Warlock
We have yet to learn his name, but we will soon. We will also learn more about his family, his purpose in delivering these packages, his dreams and.. why it is he keeps slipping into these dark real-life dreamscape fantasies.
His courage is growing with each new adventure. His strength, returning. The Ghost Girl is helping him see, and he is beginning to understand he needs to change course and stop delivering for those with such dark purposes.. he must find a way to work for those in great need.
The Errand Boy
The witch is the first fantastical creature the errand boy must deliver a parcel to. She’s brilliant. Her tongue is like honey, and her sweet voice seems to compel the errand boy towards her through the Whispering Woods.
The Witch
The Queen of the Fairies. She is a mysterious character, who some fear greatly. She is of great beauty and intelligence, and lives in a forest of matching beauty surrounded by glorious, ancient trees and architecture. She represents, for me, a people who are gracious and kind and good and welcoming, but might seem otherwise to those who don`t know them.
The Queen
Far from always getting into trouble, the Queen’s fairies seem to be quite helpful and many have a strong, outside bond with the Ghost Girl, leaving their home and the Eastern Forest for adventures on a regular basis. They do have a devilish side; but their cunning is usually used for good.